الصفحة الرئيسية
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SpaceIL has signed a contract with the Swedish leading space company AAC Clyde Space and ordered Sirius avionics subsystem for the...
תא"ל (במיל') שמעון שריד ינהל את התנעת תוכנית החלל בראשית 2. קראו עוד >
Until now, only global superpowers have been able to successfully land an object on the moon. Beresheet's voyage is expected to be the...
Israel's first spacecraft successfully completes maneuver around the moon, just days before scheduled lunar landing. חקרו עוד >
A small Israeli spacecraft executed a critical rocket firing Thursday, easing out of a highly elliptical Earth orbit and into one around...
New York (CNN Business)Morris Kahn, an Israeli software entrepreneur, heard about young engineers in his home country who wanted to build...